Booger Barrage Bonus

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To learn more, please start by reading Booger Barrage. Then, go here: Mom Considers Revealing Her Teens’ Crushes On Blog! Here’s 3 More Embarrassing Things She Could Blog About!

Within minutes I must return

to the place where mayhem reigns. Not even a sentence and the sound of chaos enters. Here one, then another. Soon two more.

I had a full day. I had an unscheduled day. Had.

Teen three made plans. Teen three needed a ride. Teen two needed to send something that I had to rush. Teen one wanted to shop. Husband wanted to walk. Friend needed a reminder she is not alone. I needed to write. Wanted. Needed.

The words in my jar of possibilities wait. I know them. They will be sewn together nicely…tomorrow. For now, this will have to do. Have. To do.

Cleaning House

It’s simple. It’s a harbinger of a happy home: cleanliness. OK, maybe not so clean it passes the microscope test. Clear lines, smudgeless windows, lack of obvious crumbs and dust. This is a peaceful state. In a house full of teens, this status is rarely reached. However, I had a moment last night where, under the mellow glow of the moon, the house appeared clean. I felt finished.

Seriously? I’ve reduced my sense of happiness to a deficit of dirt? I’m too tired to care about the pathetic-ness of that statement. I’ll sleep easy until I awake to a dirty house. (The teens are prowling and eating and imprinting their vivacity everywhere I erased it today. It’s nice to be re-purposed day to day.)