Glutton for recognition

Thank you, sharechair! You are very kind. I am grateful and accept the:

 One Lovely Blog Award nomination

The rules for this Award are as follows:

1.   Give credit to the awesome person who nominated you.

2.   Describe 7 things about yourself.

3.   Nominate 15 other bloggers.

Nominees (and I apologize profusely if this reaches you without welcome):

  1. Rooha Tariq
  2. mybrightlife
  3. fiammisday
  4. Cathy (InspiredDesign)
  5. scribblinghermit
  6. Fortyteen Candles
  7. sarahjanelives
  8. bluebutterfliesandme
  9. Bill
  10. Sunshine
  11. seapunk2
  12. bohemianspiritedmom
  13. hastywords
  14. boomiebol
  15. Picture-Bandit

As for the 7 things about myself (that have not already been posted):

  1. I have a toenail that splits no matter how many times I cut it.
  2. I accepted this award namely because it asked me to describe an odd number of things about myself and not a standard 10.
  3. People have a difficult time determining my nationality.
  4. When called by the wrong name, it tends to be the same wrong name.
  5. I am doing some of the things today that I mocked when I was younger.
  6. I hate a very limited number of flavors and, therefore, do not deny most food posed to me.
  7. Did I describe anything about me? This word is bothering me. I am neurotic.

Versatile Blogger Award Nomination – What?! Me?! MikesFilmTalk is too, too kind!

Something strange just happened.

A very kind member of my blogging world nominated ME for the Versatile Blogger Award (seen below and, yes, I made it bigger ’cause it makes me look a little more regal I guess. I mean, there’s laurels here!)!

MikesFilmTalk, I thank you kindly…mostly for suffering through my blog and, with great pathos, extending a kind gesture of a nomination to pitiful, ol’ me. Really, you are too kind…I think, ’cause, frankly, this nomination is full of a lot of tricky stuff. (And, WHY was I number 4 on your list anyway? What? Am I not good enough to be at the top? Really?)

Sorry. Neurosis over for the moment. ( And I KNOW you understand I am kidding.)

As I was saying, there’s a lot to this. Here I copy and paste the rules (thanks MikesFilmTalk again, and, yes there was a bit of sarcasm in that thanks once more.)


1. In a post on your blog, nominate 10 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award; and link to them. (You mean I have to find their sites and then figure out how to LINK to them?!? versatility shmersatility grumble grumble. OK. Here goes…)

2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award. (Already did that. Oh, I’m good!)

3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog. (Did that TWICE – extra credit! Sarcastic thanks count, too, no?)

4. In the same post, share 10 completely random pieces of information about yourself. (Getting there. I’m busy for crying out loud!)

5. In the same post, include this set of rules. (DONE!)

6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs. (Are you flipping kidding me?! It’s VERSATILE, not PROLIFIC Blogger Award! I got this. I can do it. Did you see that I have THREE 1 2 3 teenagers? and combative appliances? and a mess of thoughts flying around up there? and zero time? No, I know. I can do this.)

MY 10 NOMINEES (in RANDOM order, get that, Mike? RANDOM. No hurt feelings. Oh, and nominees, if you find this nomination a burden moreso than an honor, I AM SO SORRY. Please like me still. I really like your blogs.)

  1. Gina’s Professions for Peace (who clearly states on her site under the Awards tab that she doesn’t want anymore nominations although she’s appreciative. And I just found this out. And I’ve already failed. SO SORRY!!!)
  2. Clotildajamcracker
  3. Artzent
  4. Amishcreek
  5. Timzauto
  6. The Dad Poet
  7. Khamneithang
  8. Teenage Enthusiasm
  9. Allanasscribbles
  10. Mommysaidaswearword

Ooh that was awful – only in that I have many, many more I should have put on that list. This is not normal. I feel bad, bad, bad. MikesFilmTalk, did you have a smidgen of guilt at the end of your list? Like, in that you didn’t put mine at the top? (I’ll get over it. Promise.)

10 Random Pieces of Information About 3teensmom, me:

  1. I hate going into cold water. I mean hate, hate, hate it, even if it’s sweltering hot out. Nope. Can’t do it.
  2. Johnny Depp loves me and doesn’t know it yet.
  3. I have had my best day with a random shuffle of Pandora tunes today. THANKS, PANDORA!!! Little River Band, Alicia Keyes, John Denver, Beatles, Cee-Lo, Black Keyes, Simon & Garfunkel, Mumford & Sons, David Bowie, Patsy Cline, Peter Gabriel. Maybe I’m in that kind of mood & will look on this tomorrow and think I appear crusty or folksy or deaf.
  4. I liked adults way more than kids when I was a kid.
  5. I like kids way more than I like most adults as an adult. They’re so darn funny! And full of life! You go, youth!
  6. I am not left-handed, but think that is the coolest thing. Lefties rule!
  7. If this were written by hand, no one would be able to read it. Suck at penmanship!
  8. Downhill skiing and I do not go together well.
  9. I lost 17 pounds since last year with a return to running. Like running again!
  10. I am a MAJOR FILM BUFF!!! (and I almost wrote butt just now).

There you have it! Completed! Only, what? Two days after I got the nomination. That’s pretty VERSATILE, isn’t it?